
walk 2 - ridgegate reservoir from trentabank ...

Length: 1.5 miles
Grade: Easy
Highlights: Ridgegate Reservoir
Best time of year: All Seasons

This walk starts at the Visitors Centre close to Trentabank Reservoir in the forest. From the centre turn left and walk along the path next to the road downhill towards Ridgegate Reservoir. At the junction cross the road and follow the path around to the right. From here simply follow the path alongside the road, enjoying the views across Ridgegate Reservoir until you reach the Leather's Smithy Pub.

If you manage to resist the temptation of a meal or drink at the pub, (there are a few picnic tables with views over the reservoir) take the path that is opposite the pub that takes you over the dam for the reservoir.

Golden ReservoirRidgegate ReservoirSunset across Ridgegate Reservoir

Follow the path along the dam and when you reach the end of it turn left alongside the reservoir and through the trees, after a short distance you will reach a steep hill that bears towards the right and away from the reservoir, this is the only steep part of the walk.

At the top of the hill when you reach an opening from the trees turn left still following the same path, (there are good views across the moors from here). You will eventually reach a small road where you carry straight on along the road, (do not turn right) for a short distance until you see a path and track way on your right. Take the path at this point and follow it downhill along a gravel path.

When you reach the bottom of the hill you can either walk back to the Visitor Centre uphill via the same road you first walked down or carry straight on along the forestry paths towards the Visitor Centre.




Copyright Nicky Griffiths